Leadership Conversations with Miles Toulmin
This is a series of video interviews with leading Asian church leaders from around Asia Pacific to share about their strategies and vision on evangelisation, church revitalisation, social transformation as well as practical leadership advice. We hope these conversations will encourage, equip, and inspire you, as a Christian leader to continue bringing hope and vision to your community during this time of global complexity.
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Episode 01: Pastor Benny Ho
In this episode, Miles Toulmin converses with Pastor Benny Ho as the latter tells of his journey as a leader during this season of the global pandemic and how he led his church with an emphasis on small groups. In a conversation that is in equal parts inspiring and thought-provoking, Ps. Benny shares with candid honesty and humility his thoughts around topics like consecration, community, opportunities for evangelisation in times of crisis, and his passion for mentorship and mentoring others.

Episode 02: Joanna Ng
There is no better leader than God. This is the heart of Joanna Ng’s story – a story which saw her switching majors from psychology to computer science as a young university student, to now being counted as one of the very few female leaders in the predominantly male-led tech start-up industry. Joanna is currently the founder of Devarim Design, an AI start-up. Prior to that, she was head of research for IBM Canada. Joanna has been awarded the title of Master Inventor by IBM and holds 45 patents, besides having published many peer-reviewed academic papers. Tune in to the latest episode of Leadership Conversations with Miles Toulmin to find out more about how God led Joanna in her career journey and how she unashamedly carries her faith into her workplace for the glory of God.

Episode 03: Father Francis Teo
In this episode of Leadership Conversations with Miles Toulmin, we hear from Father Francis Teo, a Roman Catholic priest and a member of the Missionary Community at St. Paul the Apostle, MCSPA. Father Francis spent much of his life as a missionary in Kenya. He currently resides in Quezon City, Philippines where he runs and oversees a formation house preparing ordinands for the ministry and those who feel called to the mission field. Here is his story about what it means to be in the mission field and live a life fully devoted to following Christ in service.

Episode 04: Pr Daniel Kumar
Tune in to this incredible story of how God healed a man and sent him to be a mouthpiece for the gospel of Christ. Pr Daniel’s story of searching for the reality of a God who heals, his obedience to the call of the gospel, and the fruitfulness of this obedience will inspire us to walk closer with the Lord, and trust Him deeply with every area of our lives.

Episode 05: Pr Andy Tjokro
Ps Andy Tjokro’s passion for raising up the next generation is truly an admirable leadership trait. In this episode of Leadership Conversations with Miles Toulmin, Ps. Andy expands on his GC 7.0 principles when creating a framework for his church.
The story of his journey in leading and training the next generation in God’s Kingdom is truly an inspiring story not to be missed!

About Miles Toulmin
Miles studied at Oxford University and then spent 10 years working for a consumer goods multinational company. He then returned to Oxford to study theology before being ordained an Anglican minister. He was until recently Associate Vicar at HTB, the London church where Alpha began. He is now the Executive Director of Alpha Asia Pacific and Vicar of HTBB (Holy Trinity Bukit Bintang), an Anglican church in the centre of Kuala Lumpur that is home to the Alpha Asia Pacific Hub. He is married to Sarah and they have three children.
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